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Image by Romain Dancre


Article I. Name and Statement of Background

The official name of this coalition is Pendergast Community Coalition. It can also be referred to as Pendergast Coalition.  Pendergast Community Coalition is a community coalition housed within the Community Prevention Department at Terros Health (funded by AHCCCS).

Article II. Coalition Mission

Educate, inspire, and empower youth, families, and the community within the Pendergast District to live healthy and drug free lives by connecting them to accessible resources.

Article III. Coalition Vision

To inspire youth and individuals to live healthy and drug free lives.

Article IV. Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

The goals, objectives, and strategies stated within Pendergast Community Coalition’s 2021/2022 fiscal year strategic plan are as follows:


  1. Create more options and opportunities for healthy communities

  2. Build and sustain the coalition in the Pendergast School District (85305, 85037, 85392, 85307)


  1. Increase youth resilience of substance use vulnerability by improving their knowledge on the harm associated with fentanyl, methamphetamines, marijuana, alcohol, and vaping use, awareness of substance-free alternatives, and efficacy to make better-informed choices.

  2. Build an infrastructure for the Pendergast Community Coalition to sustain prevention and health activities in the school district community.


  1. Community-based Processes

  2. Information Dissemination

  3. Alternative Activities

  4. Prevention Education

  5. Environmental Strategies

Article V. Meetings

Section 1: Pendergast Community Coalition Monthly Meetings

Pendergast Community Coalition holds 12 coalition meetings each fiscal year (July 1st - June 30th).

Unless otherwise stated, monthly partner coalition meetings shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month in-person from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm at: 

Pendergast Community Center

10550 W Mariposa St, Phoenix, AZ 85037

Pendergast Community Coalition also offers virtual options to attend these meetings via Zoom. If you attend partner coalition meetings virtually, the meeting ID will be posted and sent via email one week prior to the meeting date. 

Notice of Pendergast Community Coalition and partner coalition monthly meetings will be shared through email, social media, and agendas from the previous month’s coalition meeting. Coalition meeting dates, as well as partner coalition meeting dates, are also found on the Pendergast Community Coalition’s Google Docs form.

Section 2: Youth Advisory Board Meetings

Youth Advisory Board meetings will be held as needed and by request of coalition members. 

Section 3: Virtual Meetings

Due to COVID-19, meetings have been offered on a virtual platform (Zoom) and in-person (mask required) until CDC guidelines indicate otherwise. Meeting IDs are dispersed one week prior to the monthly coalition meeting. Live video cameras are encouraged but are not mandatory for attendance during coalition meetings. Zoom meetings will continue to be utilized in an effort to increase accessibility and attendance.

Section 4: Subcommittee Meetings

Subcommittee meetings will be scheduled during the previous month’s subcommittee meeting and formal confirmations will be sent to subcommittee members at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. 

Article VI. Special Dates

Coalition members are required to attend the monthly meetings held in August and March.

  • The first meeting of the year, held in August, will be designated for the subcommittee elections, as well as an overview of the annual strategic plan. 

  • The March monthly meeting will be designated for strategic planning in order to prepare for the strategic plan submission the following month. 

Article VII. Parliamentary Authority

Monthly coalition meetings and subcommittee meetings will follow an action agenda provided to members at least one week prior to meeting time. 

Article VIII. Sector Representation

The Pendergast Community Coalition’s membership aims to be comprised of:  

  1. Youth (18 and younger)

  2. Parents

  3. Businesses

  4. Media

  5. Schools

  6. Youth-Serving Organizations

  7. Law Enforcement

  8. Religious/Fraternal Groups

  9. Civic/Volunteer Groups

  10. Healthcare Professionals

  11. State, Local, or Tribal agencies with expertise in substance abuse prevention

  12. Other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse

Each member works together to accomplish the joint mission and vision of the Pendergast Community Coalition in alignment with the coalition’s annual strategic plan.  

Article IX. Membership 

Pendergast Community Coalition meetings are open to the public. Meeting and subcommittee participants do not need to be committed members, however, without completing a member commitment form participants will not be able to:

  • Vote

  • Access the Pendergast Coalition shared drive for members

  • Receive service hours for attendance at coalition meetings 

    • Please note: Service hours will still be provided for both committed and non-committed members at coalition volunteer events.

Monthly partner coalition meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month in-person at Pendergast Community Center and virtually through Zoom unless otherwise stated. 

Meeting times are 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. 

Membership Expectations and Commitment:

  • Members must commit one fiscal year of active participation in coalition work (July 1st - June 30th). 

    • If the member signs amidst the fiscal year, their commitment will still need to be renewed on July 1st of that year. 

  • Coalition members will be expected to attend at least 8 of the 12 monthly partner coalition meetings throughout the fiscal year - either in person or virtually. 

  • Members are expected to participate in at least one committee and attend committee meetings monthly, in addition to the monthly partner coalition meeting. 

    • Subcommittee meetings will be held monthly - times and dates will be agreed upon within the committee. 

  • There are no fees associated with Pendergast Coalition membership. 

  • Membership can be revoked if members cease participation in subcommittee and partner coalition meetings without formal communication, if members are not meeting agreed-upon coalition guidelines, and/or if members submit their formal resignation from the coalition (resignation form can be found on the shared Pendergast Community Google Drive). 

Article X. Organizational Structure



Steering Committee

Youth Advisory Committee

Sub-Committee Chairs 

Subcommittee Workgroups:

Community Education

Information Dissemination

Sober Events


Social Media

Officers:  Each sub-committee will have a - Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. 


Role Description: 

  • Serve as a liaison for Work Group to Steering Committee and Coalition

  • Develop Work Group agenda with staff assistance

  • Serve as moderator of Work Group meeting (stay 15 minutes after meeting to network and evaluate meeting)

  • Designate a recorder for each Work Group meeting

  • Contact and coordinate with members about Work Group responsibilities

  • Represent Coalition in the community (with staff assistance)

  • Consult with Coalition Coordinator as needed

  • Deal with members and staff fairly, sensitively, and confidentially

  • Promote collaboration, conflict resolution, and decision-making

  • Be open to diverse opinions and points of view

Time Commitment:

  • Approximately 3 hours per month

  • Attend 8 Work Group meetings/year, 8 Coalition meetings, and 3 major Coalition activities

  • One-year availability 


  • Ascribe to Coalition mission, goals, and bylaws

  • Possess strong leadership and organizational skills

  • Be familiar with or willing to learn principles of parliamentary procedure 


Role Description:

  • Preside over Work Group meetings in the absence of the Work Group Chair

  • Assume the role of Chair in the event of the Chair's inability to complete their term of responsibility

  • Consult with Work Group Chair as needed

  • Perform other duties as directed by the Chair 

Time Commitment:

  • Approximately 3 hours per month

  • Attend 8 Work Group meetings/year, 8 Coalition meetings, and 3 major Coalition activities

  • One-year availability


  • Ascribe to Coalition mission, goals, and bylaws

  • Possess strong leadership and organizational skills

  • Be familiar with or willing to learn principles of parliamentary procedure 

Secretary Duties

Role Description:

  • Serves as the secretary to Coalition and Steering Committee 

  • Assists with Coalition/Steering Committee meeting agenda layout and distribution

  • Notifies Coalition/Steering Committee members of upcoming meetings 2 weeks in advance

  • Locates and secures facilities

  • Takes meeting minutes and distributes electronically to members within 2 weeks of the meeting.

  • Maintains current roster

  • Serves as custodian for all records and reports

  • Prepares annual budget and works with an auditor for routine audits

  • Maintains financial records 

Time Commitment: 

  • Approximately 3 hours per month

  • Attend quarterly Coalition and Steering Committee meetings

  • One year availability

Electing and vacating offices: 

These positions will be elected by a two-thirds vote. The Coalition will vote for each officer at the beginning of each fiscal year during the August meeting.

Upon request and defined concerns shared with the co-leads and steering committee, consideration of removing an officer may be placed on the agenda of a monthly meeting. A vote will consist of a written ballot for those present at the meeting, as well as electronic voting for those attending the meeting via Zoom. Voting shall be facilitated by the secretary for members not present. However, if the secretary is the one in question, this will be conducted by the co-chairs. A vote of majority is the requirement to remove an officer from the Subcommittee.


Each member is expected to join at least one committee and participate in monthly partner coalition meetings in addition to subcommittee meetings. Subcommittee dates, times, and locations will be decided by each subcommittee. 

  • Steering Committee: A committee that decides on the priorities or order of business of an organization and manages the general course of its operations.

  • Sub-Committee - Community Education: Learn to facilitate various workshops provided by Pendergast Community Coalition (at schools, conferences, healthcare facilities, etc.).

  • Sub-Committee - Information Dissemination: Volunteers with tabling events, resource fairs, festivals, and providing resources to the public.

  • Sub-Committee - Sober Events: Plan and coordinate coalition events including collaborating with other agencies (i.e., Dances, movie nights, art, and performance events, etc.). 

  • Sub-Committee - Sustainability: Fundraising

  • Sub-Committee – Social Media: Social marketing outreach (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.). 

Decisions: Decisions must align with goals and objectives of the Pendergast Community Coalition as specified by grant documentation. When making decisions that require various costs and resources, ensure Pendergast Community staff is present, along with budget documentation. When decisions are being made by each committee at least 50% of the subcommittee members need to be present – a two-thirds vote. 

Article XII. Decision Making 

Decisions related to coalition business, practices, procedures, and activities will be made at monthly coalition meetings. Decision-making is, to the highest extent possible, carried out by utilizing a consensus process.  A consensus model affirms the equal right and responsibility of all members to participate fully in reaching group decisions. All committed members present at a meeting are welcome to participate in consensus-building discussions, and official group decisions will be made by consensus or vote (when needed and as defined here) of all members. Any member may choose not to participate in consensus, including those persons with an identified conflict of interest. 

Consensus, as understood in the coalition, is achieved when all members present state that they are comfortable with, agree with, or are prepared to step aside from a differing view to allow the group to move forward on a decision.   When consensus cannot be reached in a reasonable amount of time, as determined by the co-chairs, the co-chairs may decide that a decision will be made by a simple majority vote among the members present. For agencies and programs having multiple representatives, the coalition asks that only one vote be counted per program to maintain as equitable a voting environment as possible.  

Article XIII. Amending Bylaws 

Any member can propose a bylaw amendment through the “Bylaw Amendment Form” located on member shared google drive. Amendment proposal will be added to the minutes of the upcoming monthly partner coalition meeting. Coalition members present will vote on the proposed amendment – a two-thirds vote. If 50% of the members are not present at the coalition meeting - an online survey will be sent to all coalition members and responses will be addressed at the following member coalition meeting. 

Article XIV.  Ethical Practices

Pendergast Community Coalition is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Pendergast Community Coalition prohibits discrimination and harassment against coalition and community members based on race, gender, color, religion, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other category protected by federal, state, and local laws. Pendergast Community Coalition also prohibits retaliation because an individual has engaged in protected activity. This policy applies to coalition members and third parties with whom Pendergast Community Coalition does business with, such as vendors, consultants, and guest speakers. 

Pendergast Community Coalition prohibits sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual conduct. Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made a term or condition of coalition participation; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis of coalition decisions affecting the individual; (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a member’s ability to participate in coalition work or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Pendergast Community Coalition follows the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics including the following ethical principles:

  1. Help people in need and address social problems.

  2. Challenge social injustice.

  3. Recognize the central importance of human relationships.

  4. Behave in a trustworthy manner.

Ethical standards followed by Pendergast Community Coalition include:

  1. Understanding culture and its function in human behavior and society, recognizing the strengths that exist in all cultures.

  2. Having knowledge base various cultures and be able to demonstrate competence in the provision of services that are sensitive to clients' cultures and to differences among people and cultural groups.

  3. Obtaining education about and seeking to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical ability.

Article XV.  Conflict of Interest

Pendergast Community Coalition membership agrees to work collaboratively to develop and sustain a healthy community.  We encourage and support each agency in its own mission.  If there is a conflict of interest between two member agencies or with the coalition itself, the member will provide full disclosure.  

If a member fails to identify a conflict of interest that may reflect negatively on the actions of the coalition, the coalition membership may, by a majority decision, remove the member or remedy the situation through alternative measures.

Article XVI. Pendergast Community Coalition Representation

Community and committed members have the ability to market the coalition meetings, mission, vision, and goals on social media, through various professional channels, and to friends and family. This can be done through wearing Pendergast Community shirts and other items, disseminating information regarding the coalition, sharing the website, social media posts, and other resources provided by the coalition. Community and committed members are prohibited from speaking to any media outlets about the coalition without one or both coalition leads present. 

Article XVII.  Effective Date

The effective date of these bylaws is July 1st, 2020. These bylaws shall remain in effect unless and until amended in part or rescinded in their entirety.

By signing this document, I confirm that I have reviewed and hereby agree to Pendergast Community Coalition Bylaws.

Member Printed Name: __________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Printed Name (if applicable): ________________________________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature (if applicable): ___________________________________________

Date: ____________________________

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